July 24, 2008

British English

I like British accent. I think it's sexy; to me, it has the same effect as "guys in a business suit" (meaning they look sexier). It's kinda funny that it all started after I came to the States. I think it's because I didn't know or/and couldn't hear the difference between British and American English when I was in Japan. Make sense, right?

Well, it's not like I want to be able to talk with British accent (it would be cool if I could, but it's not likely to happen..). I just like listening to people with British accent. I seriously thought of applying for an exchange program to go to England. Yes, from a university in America. I don't know what I was thinking...I guess it was just me wanting something I didn't (and still don't) have. Or I was that into British accent ;p

Now here's my question: How does American English sound to British English speaking people (both native and non-native)? Cool or funny? Difficult to understand?? To be honest, I find it a little difficult to understand when people talk with British accent. On the other hand, I'm so used to American English that I can understand what people say even when I'm half asleep. So I'm really curious about how other people perceive or rather hear it. Maybe some of you can tell me??

Even though I sometimes have hard time understanding what they're saying, I still enjoy watching Sherlock Holmes TV series. Yup, the combination of two things I like; mystery and British accent :)

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